Silverball Chronicles with David and Ron
Episode 30 – “Pinball’s Centenarian – Wayne Neyens”
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Topic Starts at 9:10
Episode Summary
A Centenarian is someone linked to longevity, someone who has seen it all come and go, then be reinvented again. Wayne Neyens is pinball's Centenarian; he was there at the beginning, and he was there when it ended… a couple of times… and he witnessed the rebirth we now see today before his passing at age 104. He was the last of his pinball generation, the last of the woodrail masters and the man who gave his whole life to making people smile at the silverball.
This month Dave and Ron discuss growing up in the Great Depression, 1930’s cubicles, Westerns, Jimmy Johnson, Harry Mabs, The Gottlieb - David Gottlieb, Wayne’s most popular games like Slick Chick and Kings and Queens, Add-A-Ball and Wedgeheads, the amazing artist Roy Parker AND we make fun 1940’s radio voices!
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