Episode 4: Bat Sh*t Crazy: The Python Anghelo Story
Python Anghelo was an eccentric, passionate, charming, classically educated,
combative, spiteful, and caring individual. He gave his all for pinball. Python is a
guy who added social commentary to his back-glass art, added Easter eggs to his
work, drank a lot, fought with leadership over creating unique worlds under glass.
Python burned bridges, tossed insults, and pulled no punches along his life’s
journey. He was a nut for sure.
Join us this month as we discuss Python’s upbringing, joining the coin-op industry,
getting into verbal fights with co workers, drinking on boats, Steve Kordek, cows,
more butchering of names, a poll joke and Python’s legacy.
Python Anghelo Website. http://www.pythonanghelo.com/
Internet Pinball Database.https://www.ipdb.org/search.pl?searchtype=advanced&ppl=Python%20Anghelo
Pinside at pinside.com
- Python Anghelo. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Python_Anghelo
- Steve Kordek. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Kordek
TOPCast Pinball Show:
- #10 Python Anghelo. http://www.pinrepair.com/topcast/topcast_42.mp3
Python’s World Video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=up03zouCIvI
Python’s GoFund Me. https://www.gofundme.com/f/helppython
Seminar video of Python at Northwest Pinball and Arcade Show 2013. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hP2kXQG7SMg
David Hevesi. New York Times. Steve Kordek, a Pinball Innovator, Dies at 100.
Shalhoub, Michael (2004). The Pinball compendium: 1982 to Present. Schiffer
Publishing, Lt. https://www.amazon.ca/Pinball-Compendium-1982-Present/dp/0764341073/ref=pd_sbs_14_1/134-3486497-2628848?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=0764341073&pd_rd_r=8250da4e-3a22-4fda-b9a7-04f7c8f91415&pd_rd_w=rJY9n&pd_rd_wg=Dzu2O&pf_rd_p=74b54c94-7195-4620-ba51-7d167ac58a58&pf_rd_r=XARVQFGTA4PKYBH7TNKC&psc=1&refRID=XARVQFGTA4PKYBH7TNKC