Meet Megan Webb
@carnivorous_plant_girl) who specialises in carnivorous plant propagation and research. Megan has hundreds of plants providing a foundation to her research and uses them to create helpful content on social media. With loads of hints and tips, facts and figures be inspired to grow your own at home (and find out if you really can feed Venus Fly Traps with flies).
@mrplantgeek and
@ellenmarygardening have a gossip about winter vegetable growing, winter gardens and what's coming up for the next few episodes. Hear from contributors
@the_gardenerben and
@parkers_patch with ever insightful gardening advice. Sponsor of series 10 is
@lavaliteuk - a range of products that offer the horticultural world ecological solutions, including moisture management, frost protection, pest control and soil conditioning. Find them at: The Plant Based Podcast: