Hear from @augusts_garden about her huge career switch into gardening to kick off series 8 of the podcast. @mrplantgeek and @ellenmarygardening chat with the ever smiling, floral dressing, passionate gardener August - known as Augusts Garden to her over 100,000 instagram followers. Find out how August went from a long career as an air hostess to her work at Belmond le Manoir and gardening with children.
NEW! We welcome sponsors of series 8 of the podcast Florette Salad, find out more about them on the podcast and website www.florettesalad.co.uk
NEW! Expect to hear from four new regular contributors this season, starting with @oldhouseintheshires and @flowerstud with some great information about plants and gardening.
The Plant Based Podcast: www.theplantbasedpodcast.net