The Plot Thickens – No-Dig, Allotment Living
For those ready to geek out over the finer details of onion sets, garlic bulb sowing plans, and budgeting for the season ahead—you’re in the perfect place. But, if that’s not your thing, feel free to jump ahead by a full 13 minutes!
We're loving the turn of the season, entering that glorious time of year where we're layering cardboard and compost, sowing green manures, and mulching our garden beds. It's the stuff of our daydreams!
Karin’s been hard at work, carefully collecting Marigold, Nasturtium, and Sweet Pea seeds, ensuring next year’s blooms will be as vibrant as ever. Vicky, on the other hand, has been busy drying seeds from her cucumbers, making sure nothing goes to waste.
And in even more exciting composting news—Vicky’s got a brand-new addition to her garden crew… a Wormery! Yes, a whole new world of composting magic has begun!