The Plot Thickens – No-Dig, Allotment Living
This week we unravel the enigma of springing forward, but end up lost in time! Please do not refer to this episode for any sense-making on the clocks going forward. We clearly hadn't had enough coffee when we were recording.
This week, with Vicky's mishap, we're all about slowing life down, The chilly, soggy weather gives us the perfect excuse to embrace a leisurely pace on the plot. Tune in as we delve into eco-friendly gardening practices, from reusing coffee grounds to encouraging the frogs to gobble the slugs.
Our seeds might be flourishing but our understanding of time? That's still up in the air.
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Oh, and please do hit the 5 stars and review the pod if you can. Little things like that are hugely appreciated and make us smile for a week. Thanks.
Thanks as ever to Alex for the Intro music.