In this week's episode we talk about the reality of our heavenly Father. The God of heaven and earth is passionately pursuing you right now. No matter how close you are to him, he is knocking on the door of your heart, asking to come in and meet with you once again. He’s not knocking just to fix you. He’s not knocking just to make you do something for him. He simply wants to meet with you. He simply wants to love you.
In this week’s episode:
- Blessed is She podcast
- Abiding Together podcast
- Want to send a sticker for Pro the donkey? Address: St Joseph Friary 523 W 142 St New York NY 10031
- Isaiah 9:6: Father Forever (Alternate translation: Everlasting Father)
- Why is Jesus called “Father forever”?
- Rembrandt’s The Prodigal Son
- Parables Referenced:
- The Prodigal Son
- The Lost Sheep
- The Good Samaritan
- The Father’s desire to be a friend to sinners.
- Fr Innocent tells a personal story of searching for a friend who has recently died. The Holy Spirit moves our hearts to seek out His sons and daughters.
- How the Father pursues us and longs to be with us forever; for eternity.
- St Francis of Assisi’s example as someone who seeks the forgotten; being with the forgotten always reminded St Francis of who the Father is and of his own mission. God always pursues the forgotten.
- Mission gives us experiences of the Father. Seeking the lost and the broken not only gives us a chance to love and serve others, but also gives us privileged insight of how God loves us as well.
- Hosea 11; reread this passage and replace Israel with your name. God is drawing each of us out of exile.
- Fr Innocent talks about how sometimes Jesus is our safe space. We say, “ok, I just want to stay with Jesus.” And he asks us, “How’s your relationship with the Father?” Jesus is not satisfied just revealing Himself. Jesus doesn’t want to keep the Father hidden away.
- Our inheritance is not an orphan spirit of insecurity. We have an everlasting Father who pursues us.
- Referenced Books by Erasmo Leiva-Merikakis: Fire of Mercy (Vol. I, II, III), The Way of the Disciple
- Upcoming episodes will feature Blessed Is She’s Advent Devotional Maranatha. Order it now if you want to use the resource with the podcast: .