a few notes of congrats sexy songs vinyl and record stores in memory of Mitch Barth a bit of wrestling talk owning a lifesize Roboto our brothers who have clean podcasts separating the artist from the art some gifts for Eric Craig dons a leather daddy working on new music a book update Get Back in IMAX Jackass Eric and Kyle summon the devil at Craig's expense future podcasts all of the times Eric helped Craig with C64 programming is Sean Cullen still listening? Eric getting back into house concerts Craig getting put on the spot by musicians Cat Of The Year has Eric retired from podcasting? is Brad Page still listening? going to live shows one thousand gageeyas is anybody still listening? bands (and authors) taking too long between releases Craig misses out on seeing Dua Lipa artists that can't perform as well anymore pretentious mushmouthy old rock stars the left wing needs the right wing to fly why is image so important with music? Eric gives Kiss a spin after a few years kayfabe is a thing of the past a timestamp for Joey Haynie we slept together twice ...and that's the state of the reunion voice chatting with the Linnens can't we all just get along Cobras & Fire on the network for the musically obsessed let's get ready to r... old Stern shows forming bands before you learn an instrument Craig wishes Kissmas was still happening because... throwing stupid money at a podcast Storytime with Eric: Tragedy ...friends