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Hello poison friends! Happy (late) Valentine's Day! I wanted to discuss a bit of history behind the holiday for those interested and I though this would be a great time to discuss...parasites! Also, one such parasite is spread by a critter called the Kissing Bug, so thats fun. These particular bugs spread the parasite that causes Chaga's Disease which has affected mainly Central and South America, but is becoming a problem elsewhere as well. The bug and the illness has a long history and involves such characters as Charles Darwin.
Another parasite we are discussing is transmitted via the painful bite of the tsetse fly and is found in various parts of Africa. This parasite causes African Sleeping Sickness (there are two types in humans, basically). So lets learn about these parasites, their vectors, and the history behind these diseases as well as the symptoms, current status, and treatments. Also, lets learn how to avoid parasites...actual ones and, well, those among the human population ;)
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