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Hello dear poison friends! I wanted to talk about a subject that we have hinted about before: Syphilis! Yes, this is an STD and we are mentioning the history and scientific side of this disease, but this will not be graphic apart from mentioning symptoms and causes. I just want to mention this for those with young children who sometimes listen. Keeping it clean, but do make your own judgment based on the content.
Alrighty then, the history of Syphilis is both fascinating an tragic. It broke out in Europe most likely beginning in the late 1400s, possibly brought from the Americas/Caribbean by Columbus and his crew, and spread from there rapidly. As we know, it was blamed more so on the four humors being out of balance or on having insulted the gods/God and being thus plagued. We are discussing the history of its name, symptoms, stigma, and treatments. This disease disfigured and killed many throughout history and created many difficulties in times of warfare. We are also looking at the progression of out understanding of it being caused by a bacterial agent and how antibiotics were a game changer for those infected. Finally, we cannot talk about Syphilis without mentioning the US Public Health's Tuskegee Experiment, as it was terribly unethical and racist. Just a heads up, there will be a pause in the middle of this episode where Adam departs for a school event with our daughter, and I bring in our bestie, Erin Fortenberry!
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