Kelly Hogan has been a strict carnivore for 12.5 years, eating mostly beef, some salt and water. Like many of us she experienced binge eating disorder and sugar addiction and has cured this through the carnivore diet.
What is a binge eating disorder?
Binging eating disorder is a pattern of overconsuming typically processed carbohydrates, then restricting and binging again. It is a repetitive cycle that causes physical and mental distress. Typically binge eating comes with body images issues, and childhood trauma and the pattern keeps happening until you solve the root cause
How can the carnivore diet help with binge eating disorders?
The carnivore diet is a zero-carb diet and is packed full of nutrients. Typically when we binge, we overeat on sugar and carbs; that also makes sugar addiction worse as well. This was my experience in my 20s. Over-consuming carbs and restricting what I was eating, over-exercising, and calorie counting as well.
The carnivore diet takes away the addictive nature of many processed foods. Meat is truly healing and somewhat benign when it comes to addiction.
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