Mona Vand was a 7-year vegan and destroyed her gut health by eating vegetables and grains.
Vegetables destroy your gut health
Plants have anti-nutrients. They cause leaky gut and IBS. They contain antinutrients like oxalates, lectins and phytates. That means that they have a negative effect on our bodies in the long term by damaging the digestive system and your gut.
The most common problem caused by plants is a leaky gut syndrome (LGS), SIBO and dysbiosis.
Animals are the most nutrient-dense foods on earth
An animal-based diet contains all the essential nutrients humans need to thrive like B vitamins, zinc, choline, and iron.
The problem with a vegan diet extends far more than just eating plants. The ideology is problematic and causes problems with our hormones, the brain and the gut microbiome.
Dr Mona Vand has introduced some meat into her diet and is following a loosely based keto or carnivore diet, with exceptional results.
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