Today's FREEBIE:
Are you ready to map out your path to success? If you are listening to this episode, you are likely an achiever. But maybe you struggle with the right things to get done. If we’re able to choose the right things, we can make considerable progress on our goals. Successful people practice deep thinking to find clarity and purpose. In this episode, you’re invited to come alongside me as I map out the story of my own success and invite you to map your own. We’ll talk about how to schedule vision-storming sessions for deep thinking and all the key components for mapping your own unique success path including our big goals and the milestones, rewards, and even setbacks to plan for along the way. "Everyone has these loops, but oftentimes people fall off at the loop—They fall off at the failure—and their self story is that they tried and failed. But not you. You are not going to fall off at the loop. You are going to keep going." This episode includes a printable map to success for you to download and complete. Download it here and follow along!