Don Futterman, Noah Efron and journalist-extraordinaire Linda Gradstein discuss two topics of incomparable importance and end with an anecdote about something in Israel that made them smile this week.
Hear the Extra-Special, Special Extra Segment on Patreon
—Yes, Virginia, There is an Override Clause—
All the parties in Netanyahu’s presumptive coalition agree to pass a law letting the Knesset to overrule the Supreme Court’s striking down laws passed by the Knesset. What happens now?
—Ungrandfathering the Grandchild Clause—
Why do the religious parties all want to change the Law of Return so it applies to fewer people?
For our most unreasonably generous Patreon supporters, in our extra-special, special extra discussion: Places we like to eat and drink.
All that and Huberman’s Stradivarius, Mossi Raz’s mission and Rosa and the Salmons!