Miriam Herschlag, Don Futterman and Noah Efron discuss two topics of incomparable importance and end with an anecdote about something in Israel that made them smile this week.
Hear the Extra-Special, Special Extra Segment on Patreon
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—Murder on the Election Express—
Who’s to blame for the loss of the center left?
—Not That Kind of a Jewish State—
Are the very religious parties that will make up half of Netanyahu’s coalition hoping to turn Israel into a Halakhic State?
—Keep Your Politics to Your… Students?—
For our most unreasonably generous Patreon supporters, in our extra-special, special extra discussion: A college president we’ve got affection for gets himself into hot water by trashing the newly elected government in a letter he sent to all the students at his school. Should academics stay silent when they think the country is going in a dangerous direction?
All that and Tula Ben Ari!