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[email protected] Subscribe to the Rabbi Breitowitz Q&A Podcast at Submit questions for the Q&A with Rabbi Breitowitz Subscribe to our YouTube Channel at 00:00 Why show the brothers the bris mila? 2:50 What is the Torah's perspective on Open AI? 10:45 How did the brothers not know he was an Ivri when all Egypt knew? 12:19 Why is there no archaeological evidence of the Israelite presence in Egypt? 17:48 What are some halachos of trimming the beard? 21:14 Did the Nazis learn from the Egyptians? Who was worse: Pharaoh or Hitler? 24:38 Why should the School in Heaven allow Levi back in, just because Shmuel asked? 28:29 What is the origin of the "Jewish mother" stereotype, and does it have significance? 34:55 Why should it be that the most assimilated Jews celebrate Chanukah? Why are all exiles mentioned in Maoz Tzur? 44:45 How is there machlokes in the Mishnah, since the Sanhedrin still existed at that time? 48:17 Why does God need to mention the Exodus after He revealed Himself at Har Sinai? 52:47 Why did the Sages have to destroy Rabbi Eliezer's vessels in front of him? 54:28 Why are we thanking Hashem for taking us out of Egypt when He's the One Who put us there? 1:00:36 Have our Rabbanim made themselves unreliable to determine who the Moshiach is? 1:05:45 What is a person allowed to do before davening in the morning? 1:07:51 What does it mean that animals sing pesukim? 1:12:29 What signs might the Moshiach provide to prove to us, in the same way that Moshe had signs? 1:13:47 Is King Saul's "ruach ra" a violation of free will? 1:18:56 What are the halachos of yoga? 1:24:01 For a better relationship with a non-Jewish relative, what can one say and do on their holidays? 1:27:04 How does Har haBayis have kedushah of the shechinah if the shechinah left with the people? 1:31:22 Can one celebrate Thanksgiving? 1:33:59 What's the connection of the brothers' crying to the destructions of the Mishkan and the Beis haMikdash? 1:37:06 Why did the ring specifically say "This too shall pass"? 1:37:32 Why are there many Jews who dress like Polish nobility or like American businessmen? 1:39:31 How could one "reject" certain Midrashim? 1:41:35 What level of control does a neighborhood have within its borders, halachically? 1:43:39 Do we have a pronunciation for the Tetragrammaton, and when should it be pronounced? 1:47:31 How can there be chiddushim if Hashem gave the whole Torah to Moshe? 1:49:50 What is the source for holding the thumb during havdalah? 1:50:13 What is Sheol and why does Yaakov say he's going there? You can listen to this and many other Ohr Somayach programs by downloading our app, on Apple and Google Play, and all major podcast platforms.
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