00:00 - After someone dies, what is he aware of?
03:35 - Do Reforms Rabbis get reward for saying Borchu or learning Gemara?
10:25 - To what extent does one maintain his individuality after death?
13:30 - What is the connection between a person and the person he is named after?
16:52 - If a person dies in a certain year, was that because he was written in the book of the wicked after the preceding Rosh Hashanah?
20:34 - What does it mean when R’ Chaim Vittal says that a Tzadik should pursue a Rasha?
24:27 - There are statues of Gedolim such as the Maharal in Prague. Would this be idol worship for a Jew to make?
29:30 - Is it permitted to go to a gallery to see a statue?
30:16 - If someone knows that they will not daven schacaris should they make a bracha on washing their hands in the morning?
34:10 - Where does someone who is killed fall in regard to the books of Rosh Hashanah?
35:40 - How can we speak gently in accordance with the advice of the Ramban in Igeres HaRamban?
40:15 - How does Birchas Cohanim work?
45:05 - How does one know if he is a good person?
50:00 - Should one not speak if he wants to rely on morning washing for afternoon bread?
53:00 - Does Hashem take into consideration one’s situation for the sins he commits like intermarriage or going off the derech?
1:04:00 - Should someone stop bentching when he hears kol Isha?
1:08:20 - If someone is named after a certain person are his free will decisions influenced by his name-sake?
01:09:50 - How to explain differences between ashkenazi and sefardi sifrei torah? How can we say every letter is divine?
1:16:45 - Why is Rachel the wife of Yaakov and Leah the wife of Yisrael?
1:19:30 - Are you allowed to visit Roman baths?
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