The Q & A with Rabbi Breitowitz Podcast
Rabbi Dr Yitzchak Breitowitz, of Ohr Somayach Jerusalem, discussing the most common questions about Judaism.
0:02 - Laws of Yichud being in an elevator with a woman3:34 - Are you allowed to risk life for tefillin? (Risking life for mitzvos) —5:57: would one be able to fast
11:00 - Were there rabbeim who were supportive of Rav Salanter re: cholera Yom Kippur ?
13:10 - If we get a stipend to study, does one pay meiser on it?
14:40 -Can one eat a fish/part of a fish while it is alive?
15:50 - If one ate meat and then a short time later ate milk, is there an after-bracha?
17:52 -Can a jew open a goy’s mail (privacy; theft)?
22:20 - Why are there so many halachic opinions today (ashkenaz; sephard; amoraim)?
25:33 - Why do yeshivas today not study sefer kodshim?
33:50 - Why did the Vilna Goan put the Chassidim in cherum ?
43:30 - Can someone who trades stocked be a witness (cf gambling)?
49:00 - What is the reason people say a woman can’t learn Gemara ?
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(Produced by: CedarStudios Podcast