00:00 What is the Halacha l’meisa regarding emunah bitachon? 3:13 Are we allowed to daven or even enter a reform or conservative shul?—What is the cutoff point? 13:11 Can someone convert from Ashkenaz to Sefardi, and if so does he take on a new mesora (with parental permission)? 18:19 What does it mean that the Avos are partners in creation? 22:42 Why do we say ‘Mazal tov’ if we don’t follow mazalot?—Why do we say months named after pagan deities? 33:01 What are the main halachic concerns with owning pets? 42:44 What is so bad about Adam and Chava seeing each other naked? 44:46 For Ashkenazim if there is a glazed earthenware vessel that gets worn, is it kasherable? 47:17 What happen to those people who followed Avraham and Sarah? 50:03 Can one eat an apple from his own tree that fell on Shabbos? 51:08 We know they didn’t say ‘amen’ about a bracha in the Beis Hamikdash, so why did the Gemara in Brachos say Moshe used ‘amen’? 54:16 When was the name of HaShem (shem havaya) stopped from being pronounced? ________________________ Rabbi Dr Yitzchak Breitowitz, of
Ohr Somayach Jerusalem, discussing the most common questions about Judaism. To submit questions, feedback or for sponsorship opportunities, contact us at:
[email protected] VAYEIRA 5781
(Produced by: CedarMediaStudios Podcasts)