The Q & A with Rabbi Breitowitz Podcast
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We'd love to hear from you : [email protected] Visit us @ 00:00 Why can we pronounce or give people names with Hashem’s name in it (such as Raphael, Gavriel, etc.)? 01:17 Why do we say “halleluka”? 02:56 Should we be davening for a shidduch at the right time or as soon as possible? 07:51 Why is there seemingly fewer gedolim than in generations before? 15:42 Are the 13 principles of faith deoraissa and why is there such an emphasis on Techias HaMeisim? 25:20 How do we understand Ashkenazic lighter skin color in accordance with the indigenous features of the Middle East and Avraham’s origins? 27:23 In regards to a Canaanite slave, how do we reconcile the morality of slavery through a Torah lens? 36:53 Why can’t a Canaanite slave be a Noahide follower? 44:47 Are people who don’t know they’re Jewish considered Jewish? 52:58 Is there an overlap of Jewish and Stoic philosophies? 58:04 As a Baal Teshuva, how do we catch up for Maaser we may have missed? 1:00:09 Do you give Maaser after taxes? 1:01:48 Do you have to pay Maaser on unrealized gains? 1:05:15 How do we understand the proverb one who hates gifts lives long, since Judaism puts such an importance on giving? 1:08:09 Are politicians puppets or do they have free will? 1:11:57 Was there anyone that created their own form of the Talmud aside from Rebbe? 1:14:53 Is it is possible for a kiddush Hashem to come from a non-religious Jew? 1:16:17 How did a Rishon with the name “Akiva” in his name understand how to spell his name? 1:17:25 What are practical ways to anticipate Mashiach (in preparation for the questions at the end of one’s life)? 1:18:50 How can we bring Mashiach in today’s age if we are so much lower spiritually than previous generations? 1:22:42 How do we view the chashuvos of living in Israel? 1:26:04 How do we understand the longing of the Chofetz Chaim to come to Israel but he didn’t? 1:29:35 Could someone become as Kabballistically attuned as the Arizal today? 1:31:28 What lessons did the Rav take from his time in law school? Produced by: Cedar Media Studios