Rabbi Dr Yitzchak Breitowitz, of Ohr Somayach Jerusalem, discussing the most common questions about Judaism.
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0:01 - Elokai Neshama, what is the true person
2:59 - Doing an aveira chayav misa, Rambams 4 categories of sins, teshuva
6:30 - Why does Avraham daven for Sodom to be saved but not for Yitzchak to be saved from the akeida
9:13 - The admission of a party is as good as one hundred witnesses, hodaas Baal din
11:48 - Why there is no word for million in lashon kodesh, why zachor and nekeiva is different in numbers, masculine and feminine
 16:36 - How Jews should be a light onto the nations, why non-Jews aren't obligated to have children
20:43 - saying kiddish in front of married relatives with uncovered hair, saying a bracha in front of an untznius woman
25:51 - Is it lifnei iver to sell cigarettes
28:08 - Inviting non-observant Jews for Shabbos
33:54 - How did Eliezer know Rivka was the right match for Yitzchak
36:52 - How does Hashem get pleasure from Korbanos, reyach nichoach
38:47 - Is learning kabalah part of the requirement to learn Torah, Vilna Gaon on Kabbalah, chassidus
42:57 - What is the Torah
44:12 - Is Klal Yisroel responsible for the tragedies caused by Karl Marx's
49:11 - Kol Isha and recorded music
51:45 - The curse to Adam of "the sweat of your brow"
54:29 - The shalshelet, why Eliezer hesitated, Eliezers name not being mentioned, Eliezer's name not being mentioned
01:00:15 - What am I allowed to do if someone owes me money and won't pay
01:03:35 - Why is there so much repetition in the parsha, the Ran on the mida of kindness
01:12:44 - printing money, inflation, assuming the risks of a system
01:15:11 - why did Hashem allow so many types of Jews, Ahavas Yisroel
01:16:59 - The color for tzitzis
01:20:40 - Yeshiva bochur giving tzedaka
01:21:56 - Do not kill, do not murder, the conquest of Eretz Yisroel
01:26:27 - Davening in a public place without a mechitza
01:28:58 - On the Parsha
01:31:30 - Why is the amida silent
(Center-Q&A-5780-Parshas Chayei Sarah)