Optimization is one of the major areas often brought up as a place where quantum computers could provide advantage first. But why is that and how do we get there? In this episode Yudong, Alejandro, and I talk all about that.
2nd episode with Jhonathan about benchmarking quantum solutions: https://anchor.fm/thequantumpod/episodes/Jhonathan-Romero-Fontalvo-and-the-Path-to-Practical-Quantum-Applications---Episode-2-e115ata
Intro/Outro music: Oblivious by Nihilore (https://www.nihilore.com/synthwave)
Nihilore license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode
Blackboard sound is from blackboard3.wav by lezaarth and licensed under CC0 1.0
Colombian ambiance and music is from franco_hernan_baja_fidelidad_carloserestrepo_medellin.wav by artesmediales and licensed under CC BY 3.0
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The Quantum Pod is produced by Zapata Computing
Host: Ethan Hansen
Guests: Yudong Cao and Alejandro Perdomo-Ortiz
Special thanks to: Mick Emmett and Tim Hirzel