Leaked information about Apple's leaked information: https://theoutline.com/post/1766/leaked-recording-inside-apple-s-global-war-on-leakers
Tech leaders super happy to visit the White House: https://twitter.com/lachlan/status/877158391419994112
Apple does sell something that holds both your iPad and your Pencil and it's only $149: https://www.apple.com/shop/product/MQ0U2ZM/A/leather-sleeve-for-129‑inch-ipad-pro-black
MyScript Stylus, a handwriting keyboard on the App Store: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/myscript-stylus-handwriting-keyboard/id931394264?mt=8
What the heck is the TextBlade? https://waytools.com
The TouchType iPad case is getting updated: https://touchtypecase.com
Amazon has removed its unlimited storage plan for Cloud Drive: https://techcrunch.com/2017/06/08/amazon-ends-its-unlimited-cloud-storage-plan/
Our thanks to Blue Apron (http://blueapron.com/rebound) for sponsoring this episode of The Rebound. Blue Apron ships you ingredients and amazing recipes. Learn while you cook and cook meals you'll love. Go to BlueApron.com/REBOUND and get three meals FREE with free shipping.
Our thanks also to Mack Weldon (https://www.mackweldon.com/rebound). Mack Weldon makes glorious underwear to hold your bits in the way they deserve, anti-microbially. It is truly awesome stuff. So go to MackWeldon.com/REBOUND and use the promo code "REBOUND" to get 20 percent off your order.
And our thanks to Couchbase (https://www.couchbase.com/therebound). Get exceptional customer experience at any scale on the Couchbase engagement database. Always on, always fast. To find out more, go to Couchbase.com/TheRebound.