For many recreational players, the idea of playing online seems appealing, especially in our current world of social distancing and self-quarantine. But where do we start? What are the risks? Is it even legal? What should we be playing? What site should I use? Is my money safe?
The RecPoker panel of Steve Fredlund, Jim Reid, Chris Jones, Rob Washam, and John Somsky discuss these questions and more, highlighting John’s extensive knowledge and involvement with online poker and the personal experience playing on line with the panel.
RecPoker has a few additional related opportunities for you: 1) If you become a new member of Americas Card Room (ACR) you can use one of the following codes to get you additional benefits: “RecRake” with give you a payback of 27% of all of your paid fees and “RecElite” will give you additional bonuses from activity, 2) Taylor Maas put together a quick overview video of ACR highlighting where to find different games -- -- and 3) on Monday March 30, members at REC.POKER can join a deep dive discussion with Jim, Taylor and others focusing on playing on-line including looking at the tools to improve your play and analysis (this is available even during the one-month free trial period)
RecPoker has launched daily tournaments on PokerStars we are calling our “Social Distance Series” to help stay connected and sharp on the felt. Details are at