This week Jim Reid and the RecPoker RECing Crew are BACK with pro player and coach Matt Affleck! We get right into the strategy talk this week, taking questions from social media and the YouTube chat to dive into subjects like limping, donk bets, how to study efficiently, how to apply your knowledge at the tables, the benefits of playing online and live, using variance against the villains at the table, expanding your ranges to exploit other players, and a lot more!
We also play Stake/Study Stack with Brock Wilson, Jonathan Jaffe, and Alex Fitzgerald and of course we give away a free prize at the end for folks in the YouTube chat. Join us LIVE on YouTube next Monday at 7:30 ET for free to ask our guests questions in real time, and you can win too!
Matt is available on Twitter as
Check out his coaching at
We also go over this week's home game results and discuss these topics:
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04:56 A high-variance approach to benefit a less-experienced player
10:17 Opportunity cost of studying inefficiently
12:24 Solving the gap between knowledge and application
16:04 Visualizing different turn cards
21:46 Factors to consider whether to expand or narrow the ranges
26:28 Matt’s thought process when on a draw
30:06 Matt’s on Chris’ sample spots
34:11 Are there times good players do an open limp?
40:14 In studying: How to know when to move on to the next subject
52:10 Playing online cash with the ability of RTA
54:28 What casino game would Matt play for profit?
01:08:41 Home Game Result updates
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RecPoker is a vibrant and encouraging poker learning community. We are committed to learning the game, but our priority is building healthy relationships where we can not only grow in the game, but grow in our enjoyment of life. The free membership website at is awesome, but it's just a tool to help us build that community. You can join for FREE, giving you access to the groups, forums, and other member benefits. If you want to enjoy the premium content, or become part of the RECing Crew, those options are available and you can get $10 off your first payment using the code RECPOKER. Music by Peter Troolin, [email protected]