Turkey spent much of the 20th-century building itself back up from the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, striving to once again become the major power at the world's crossroads. Turkey's influence now extends to the battlefields of North Africa, to the slopes of the Caucasus, to the supply chains of Europe, and into the frontlines of Syria. Although there is one more front Turkey is looking to gain influence in, Central Asia. Can Ankara use its cultural connections with its Turkic neighbours across the Caspian to position itself as the balance of power between Russia and China in Central Asia? On the panel this week - Alex Kokcharov (Russia Analyst) - Matthew Bryza (Fmr US Amb) - Hugh Williamson (Human Rights Watch) - Bruce Pannier (Radio Free Liberty) Follow the Red Line on @TheRedLinePod Follow Michael on @MikeHilliardAus For more info please visit www.theredlinepodcast.com