Welcome to the Redcaps Podcast, in this episode we discuss what digital tools I use when playing online. Follow us @theredcapsnet and visit us at http://www.theredcaps.net or on discord https://discord.gg/EFxedEW
Software mentioned in this episode:
FoundryVTT - https://foundryvtt.com/
Roll20 - https://roll20.net/
Fantasy Grounds - https://www.fantasygrounds.com/
Wonder Draft - https://www.wonderdraft.net/
Dungeon Draft - https://dungeondraft.net/
Adventure Lookup - https://adventurelookup.com/
Microsoft Onenote - https://www.onenote.com/
JItsi Video Conference - https://jitsi.org/
Other useful resources:
Create Character Tokens - http://rolladvantage.com/tokenstamp/
Citi Map generator - https://watabou.itch.io/medieval-fantasy-city-generator
Massive toolkit of stuff - http://donjon.bin.sh/
Fantasy Name Generator - http://fantasynamegenerators.com/
Handout Creator - https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/