The Relevance of Sydney Banks’ Role
On this episode, we spoke with Christine Heath about her meeting Sydney Banks and her journey afterwards during more than 40 years. She described us what is the feeling that Sydney Banks talked about and emphasized the importance of it. This was a revealing and easy conversation with someone who felt so lucky to have stumbled into this understanding and what has brought in to her life.
Christine Heath, the co-founder and executive director of the Hawaii Counseling and Education Center since 1985, has nearly 37 years’ experience as a marriage and family therapist. She met Sidney Banks in 1981 and has been sharing her understanding of the Three Principles since then. She was instrumental in setting up one of the first Three Principles-based clinics in the world.
Christine developed HCEC’s Three Principles-based domestic violence/anger management, outpatient substance abuse, adolescent anger management and victim impact programs. She is certified as a substance abuse counselor and she is an AAMFT Approved Supervisor. She provides training programs for graduate and postgraduate therapists. She offers training, coaching, consultation and seminars based on the Three Principles locally and internationally to professionals and lay people alike.
She has served on the Board of Directors of the 3PGC since its inception and dedicates her life to sharing the Principles with the world.
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