Join our brain-storming session on coming topics: why extra credit is grade inflation (and why professor Mather offers to drop the 2 highest quiz scores instead of the lowest quiz scores), how it is that Democrats have Republican beliefs but self-censor them (e.g., gun violence saves lives, walls protect property and people, etc.) in order to socially fit in, how Youtube is a Democrat platform as it censors innocent disagreement, and much more. Other podcast episodes referred to in this conversation include Denver Seminary’s 51st episode on the Gospel and political polarization/partisanship, as well as Stanford University’s Pacific Century podcast episodes from March 2020 (also, see their March 6, 2020 and their March 18, 2020 episodes for background) where they discuss calling it the “Wuhan flu” in order to land the blame on the Communist Party for that crisis. Besides the late Professor Robert Sokolowski’s “Introduction to Phenomenology,” the only book referenced was in the brief discussion of racism’s cozy relationship with Evolution, called “From Darwin To Hitler,” a scholarly work from a Cal State professor of German history (CSU Stanislaus).
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