John and Lacey are in Hollywood today for the World Premiere of The Rise of Skywalker! The two will represent SWNN and TRB on the red carpet, seeing the movie and the stars, and will be posting photos and videos as much as possible throughout the night. They'll fill us in on their experience in full next week!
But there's still a lot to talk about! Don't worry, no spoilers on this episode. Ron Howard continues to respond to #MakeSolo2Happen! We use logic and facts to dismiss out of context attacks on J.J. Abrams and John Boyega, talk about The Rise of Kylo Ren comic, and the "friendship" featurette for The Rise of Skywalker. As always, we answer your questions in #AskTheResistance!
The Resistance base is open to all, so spread the word about TRB and join us!