Welcome back, we've got 3 absolute beauties of papers for you this month!
You'll have struggled not to have heard about the ADRENAL trial, a trial of iv steroids in the sickest of patients with septic shock. We also have a look at a trial that many have been quoting as sound evidence for the utility of pH during the prognostication of patients in cardiac arrest. Finally we have a look at a paper that may shed some concern on the use of Double Sequential Defibrillation that we covered recently on the podcast...
We'd love to hear from you with any thoughts or feedback you have on the podcast. And we've now launched of Critical Appraisal Lowdown course, so if you want to gain some more skills in critical appraisal make sure you go and check out our online course here.
References & Further Reading
Adjunctive Glucocorticoid Therapy in Patients with Septic Shock. Venkatesh B. N Engl J Med. 2018