Welcome to March's papers of the month. We know we're biased but we've got 3 more superb papers for you this month!
First up we review a paper looking at oxygen levels in patient's with a return of spontaneous circulation following cardiac arrest, is hyperoxia bad news for this patient cohort as well as the other areas we've recently covered?
Secondly we have a look at a paper reviewing the association between time to i.v. furosemide and outcomes in patients presenting with acute heart failure, you may want to have a listen to our previous podcast on the topic first here.
Lastly, when you see a pregnant patient with a suspected thromboembolic event, can you use a negative d-dimer result to rule out the possibility? We review a recent paper looking at biomarker and specifically d-dimers ability to do this.
We'd love to hear from you with any thoughts or feedback you have on the podcast. And we've now launched of Critical Appraisal Lowdown course, so if you want to gain some more skills in critical appraisal make sure you go and check out our online course here.
References & Further Reading
MDCALC; Framingham Heart Failure Diagnostic Criteria