Prehospital Care is evolving rapidly and is one of the most exciting and dynamic specialties to be involved with at the moment.
As a reflection of it's progress the Faculty of Pre Hospital Care held its first scientific conference this week. We were lucky enough to be invited by Caroline Leech, EM & PHEM Consultant and the person responsible for organising this superb event, to interview some of the superb speakers at the event.
Here are the speakers we were lucky enough to catch up with and the topics they discuss
Matt Thomas – Hyperoxia: when oxygen is harmful
Jo Manson – The hyperacute inflammatory response to trauma
Rob Moss – FPHC Consensus Statement - Spinal
Malcolm Russell – FPHC Consensus Statemnent – External Haemorrhage
Tim Nutbeam – Pre-hospital research: what do we not know?
David Menzies – Impact brain apnoea & motorsport
Stacey Webster – Calcium in pre-hospital blood transfusion: the missing link
Rod Mackenzie Injury prevention, control & recovery
A huge thanks to all involved in the conference for having us at the conference and we hope to see you all next year!
References and links FPHC Consensus statement guidelines