In these dark times its difficult to find reason for making believe, this will all change once you hit play. Answering Reid for almost two hours I will do my outmost to lift you spirits to unknown heights. Counterintuitively by taking a deep dive in to Chinese secret societies, covering thousands of years, culminating in a communist community exorcism by the black and red Dao. We are talking apotropaic magic, the swallowing of protective charms, anti-fascist Kung Fu fighting, mystic mind-control and brain washing in the Tang dynasty, social tech of the Henan peasantry and the socialist Shaolin monks who would liberate Beijing from the compradors, the war and drug lords as well as imperialist invaders. God Jul to all followers, occasional listeners and foremost supportive patrons! As always if you like the thought-through homemade covers, the meticulously sampled music, the painstaking congenial research and the many hours of attempting to edit together esthetically pleasing, inspiring and educational content, then please give me a star on your app of choice, write a kind review if possible and why not — if you haven't already — become a paid member and gift me a small Christmas present on Patreon or Spotify. Once again God Jul and a happy New Year, sincerely hope you like this one!