Welcome to the extra long season finale. We have arrived as promised to that segment of our show which is going to get a tad bit far out. It's about time we take a look at some of the curious characters, spooks, provocateurs, informers, saboteurs and infiltrators that are involved in the event which the San Francisco Chronicle recognised as constituting the greatest single loss of American civilian life in a deliberate act until the incidents of September 11, 2001.
#Jonestown #Psychoanalysis #Healing #Christianity #Lacan #Freud #Communism #Maoism #Conspiracy #CIA #FBI #SIS #Rotary
Credits to Jonestown Education Institute for making research easy. You can find transcripts and tens of thousands of original files over at jonestown.sdsu.edu/
Reading list:
The Strongest Poison, by Mark Lane
The Jonestown Carnage--A CIA Crime, by S.F. Alinin B.G. Antonov A.N. Itskov
A Sympathetic History of Jonestown, by Rebecca Moore
Dirty Work - The CIA in Europe, by Philip Agee and Louis Wolf
Safe for democracy the secret wars of the CIA, by John Prados
Whos Who in CIA, by Julius Mader