What if I told you that there exists a secret society dating back to Charlemagne, first Holy Roman Emperor. Advisers, almanacists and court painters possessing a scientia which ever since has governed PR, a hermeneutics, Pythagorean mysticism and Kabbalah numerology mishmash.
They taught Louis III how to entertain the people with tales of Vikings, which still run on Bernays’s Netflix. They stood on the receiving end of the crusade's plundering of the Islamicate libraries which stockpiled their bookshelves with far away, long gone Byzantine loot.
If you're thinking here is Marcus with another far-out theory from his isolation in the Alps, then you're ofc right to do so, but I wonder, do you know that Hegel during his most savage critique dedicated a whole dismantling chapter against this lodge orders claim to knowledge?
Isac Newton rubbed his hands at their robbery, John Dee kept copies of their work, Ben Franklin even took to writing under a pseudonym which carried the name of one of their most influential Magus. And I'm not talking about the Freemasons, Illuminati or the Rosicrucians.
Did you ever stop to wonder why paintings of the Baroque Caesars seem to follow you around with their gaze in the "open to the public" castles? Who interpellated the Panoptic vision in the soul of the commoner? Faith and destiny was their ware, just like today's neuroscience.
Brains are still calculated in cm3, IQ is a speed test of that supposed engine, yet the real onto-intentions of that mechanics lies resting in old diaries of the intelligentsia who mapped the Systema Natura during the industrial espionage of the Age of Exploration.
Come with us now on a journey through time and space, to the world of the greatest trick the White Devil ever pulled.