The Rewilding Podcast w/ Peter Michael Bauer
I’ve lived with depression for most of my life. I’ve learned to manage my symptoms in order to function and live a more fulfilling life. I’ve dedicated this episode to working through some of the areas of overlap between depression and rewilding. This is a very personal topic that lives close to my heart. I was originally planning on doing this one solo, but I realized that it would be more impactful if it were in conversation with someone who shares similar but different experiences with depression.
My guest on this episode is Sheila Henson. Sheila received her BA in History and an MA in Education, spent twelve years as a behavioral respite worker for children with special needs, working for many of those years at the Serendipity Center in Portland. Today she is an ADHD Coach, and is a well known and respected educator on tiktok. The drive to understand how to be kind, collaborative, and restorative within our social and ecological communities led her to Rewild Portland, where she now serves on the board of directors, heading up our transformative justice committee. Sheila and I also co-teach a Rewilding Your Health class through Rewild Portland.
List of National Suicide Hotlines
Sheila’s Website
Sheila’s Tiktok
Sleep & Depression
Exercise & Depression
The Challenges of Treating Depression with Exercise: From Evidence to Practice
Meditation & Depression
An update on mindfulness meditation as a self-help treatment for anxiety and depression
Diet & Depression
Diet and Depression—From Confirmation to Implementation
Music & Depression
Music therapy for depression
Green Spaces and Depression
Green spaces deliver lasting mental health benefits
Gardening & Depression
Gardening is beneficial for health: A meta-analysis
Soil Microbiome & Depression
Dirt has a microbiome, and it may double as an antidepressant
Crafting & Depression
Antidepressive response of inpatients with major depression to adjuvant occupational therapy: a case–control study
Plant & Fungi Medicine