You spent months (dare we say years) in design and execution of your fireworks show or pyromusical only to walk away with both pieces of the 18R2 you snapped in half mumbling something under your breath along the lines of "wtf...that doesn't look anything like it did in my sim"
Keep that chin up and go find a pen and your favorite stack of post-it notes. Bozie, AJ, and Jamie talk about different types of effects, their places within the pyromusical site picture, and the MONSTER importance of understanding HOW they behave so you can nail your site layout and create sims that arn't lying to you when you get to your site.
#Fireworks, #Pyromusical, #1.3G, #1.4G, #Finale3D, #ShowSim, #FWsim, #Depence R3