In this episode, we chat with Jacklyn Broomes (Agricultural Manager) and Maggie Campbell (Estate Rum Manager) about all things agriculture and sustainability at Mount Gay (along with a few hints at what to expect from the estate rum program in the future).
Topics covered include:
How Jackie and Maggie both ended up working at Mount Gay (and a closer look at each of their roles)
The vision behind Mount Gay’s agriculture and estate rum programs
How Mount Gay intends to use their sugarcane and the molasses that comes from it
Why sustainability should be more than a buzzword to rum enthusiasts
How to balance doing something totally new at a distillery with such a long history and established styles/traditions
The life of luxury enjoyed by the estate’s pampered honey bees
The other crops you might be surprised to find growing on the estate (it’s more than just sugarcane)
What to watch for next from Mount Gay
Relevant Links:
Get a closer look at the estate on Mount Gay’s Instagram
For a bit of Mount Gay history, check out our episode with former managing director Frank Ward
Per the discussion in the intro, here are links to several rum festivals around the world: