"Welcome back to *The Rumors Are True*, where we bring you the stories straight from the artists themselves. I'm your host, Jeremy Alan Gould, and today we have a very special guest joining us—Scott Hunter from the legendary band Poor Old Lu. If you were around in the 90s, you’ll remember Poor Old Lu as a pioneering force in the Christian alternative rock scene, blending raw emotion with profound spiritual insight. Scott’s vocals and lyrical depth played a huge part in shaping the sound that resonated with so many of us. Today, we’re going to dive deep into the history of the band, his personal journey, and the lasting legacy of Poor Old Lu. So, sit back and enjoy as we explore the stories behind the music, directly from the man himself.”
Produced by Wesley Hill @thebigwes
Artwork by Jared Chase Bowser @jaredchasebower
Music by Brian Jerin R.I.P.