"2gether" was a sitcom that aired on MTV in 2000 following the movie of the same name that released earlier that year. The show was a satirical take on the boy band phenomenon of the late '90s and early 2000s. The show followed the fictional boy band 2ge+her as they moved in with one another in a house provided by their new label "What-Ev Records". The series provided audiences with a humorous look behind the scenes of the music industry and the manufactured personas of boy bands. One of the notable aspects of "2gether" was its ability to blend scripted comedy with musical performances. The band's songs, including "U + Me = Us (Calculus)" and "The Hardest Part of Breaking Up (Is Getting Back Your Stuff)," became legitimately popular among viewers and even received airplay on MTV and other music channels.
Overall, "2gether" remains a fondly remembered part of early 2000s pop culture. Will the show resonate with a group of guys who mostly distanced themselves from the boy band trends of the time? Listen as the S1E1 guys deep dive the show's pilot episode, "Lorelei" and find out.
Starring: Evan Farmer, Alex Solowitz, Noah Bastian, Kevin Farley, Michael Cuccione, Christine Chatelain, Roger Cross, Dave McGowan, Lauren Lee Smith, & Carson Daly
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