30 Rock is a sitcom created by Tina Fey that aired on NBC from 2006-2013. Set behind the scenes of a fictional live sketch comedy show. The series follows Liz Lemon (played by Tina Fey), the head writer of “TGS,” as she navigates the challenges of managing an eccentric cast and crew. This includes dealing with her arrogant boss, Jack Donaghy (Alec Baldwin), and the unpredictable star Tracy Jordan (Tracy Morgan) and a host of other quirky characters.
“30 Rock” is known for its clever satire of the television industry and corporate culture. The show received critical acclaim, winning several major awards, including multiple Primetime Emmy Awards for Outstanding Comedy Series. Does this former pillar of NBC's Thursday Night Lineup hold up over a decade after the show's finale? Listen as the S1E1 boys deep dive the pilot episode and find out.
Starring: Tina Fey, Tracy Morgan, Jane Krakowski, Jack McBrayer, Scott Adsit, Judah Friedlander. Katrina Bowden, Lonny Ross, Keith Powell, Maulik Pancholy, Rachel Dratch, & Alec Baldwin
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