"Aliens in the Family" was a unique sitcom that combined elements of science fiction and family comedy. It aired on the ABC network as part of the TGIF lineup. It debuted in 1996 and only had a brief run with a total of eight episodes. The show focused on a blend of live-action and puppetry. In it, a man ends up falling in love and marrying the alien that abducted him. Both have children of their own and start a blended family when they move in together.
While the show's run was short-lived, it was a creative and imaginative attempt to combine the sci-fi and family comedy genres in a unique and entertaining way. The involvement of Jim Henson's production team brought a distinctive charm to the show, appealing to both fans of science fiction and those who enjoyed the family-friendly humor of the TGIF programming block.
Was this forgotten sitcom a diamond in the rough find or was there a reason it was canceled so soon after it premiered. Find out as the S1E1 boys do a deep dive review of Aliens in the Family's pilot episode, "Meet The Brodys".
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