"Bewitched" is a classic sitcom that originally aired from 1964 to 1972. It revolves around the life of Samantha, a charming and lovely woman who also happens to be a witch with supernatural powers. Samantha marries a mortal man named Darrin Stephens, who at first is unaware of her magical abilities.
The central premise of the show revolves around the comedic situations that arise from Samantha's attempts to live a normal, suburban life while keeping her witchcraft a secret from the world around her. This often leads to humorous misunderstandings and magical mishaps.
"Bewitched" was an instant hit and soon became ABC's number one show in its first season. The show remained extremely popular throughout its entire eight season run and nearly 60 years after it first premiered is still enjoyed through streaming and syndication. But was the show a hit right from episode one? Listen as the S1E1 boys deep dive the shows pilot episode, "I, Darrin, Take This Witch, Samantha".
Starring: Elizabeth Montgomery, Dick York, & Agnes Moorehead
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