In the late '80s renowned television writer Don Reo developed a show based on the novel The Catcher in the Rye. The idea was to create a series about a wise-beyond-his-years, introspective teenage boy. NBC loved the screenplay but had one change, make theain character a girl. From this "Blossom" was born. Mayim Bialik was cast for the lead role and the Pilot episode was aired on July 1990 as a tester and after a little retooling premiered with a full season six months later. The show went on to have a very successful 5 season run.
Did Blossom have a hot show right from the first episode or was all the retooling necessary? Listen as we deep dive the show's first episode.
Starring: Mayim Bialik, Barrie Youngfellow, Joey Lawrence, Michael Stoyanov, Jenna von Oÿ, Richard Masur, Debra Stipe, Justin Whalin, & Kelly Packard
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