"Blue Mountain State" is a comedy television series that aired on Spike TV from 2010 to 2011. Located at the fictional Blue Mountain State University, the show focuses on the wild lives of the "Mountain Goats" football team both on and off the field. The show follows Alex Moran (Darin Brooks), a laid-back second string quarterback, as he navigates college life alongside his eccentric teammates.
Despite its short run, "Blue Mountain State" developed such a loyal fanbase that they even went as far as to crowd fund a movie continuation called "Blue Mountain State: The Rise of Thadland" in 2016. Will the S1E1 guys be as willing to donate to this franchize? Listen as they deep dive the pilot episode, "It's Called Hazing, Look It Up" and find out.
Starring: Darin Brooks, Sam Jones III, Alan Ritchson, Chris Romano, Gabrielle Dennis, Chester Tam, & Ed Marinaro
Instagram & X (Twitter): @S1E1POD