"Brews Brothers" is a Netflix sitcom that premiered on April 2020. The series follows the exploits of two estranged brothers, Wilhelm and Adam Rodman, who reunite to run a brewery. The central theme revolves around sibling rivalry and the challenges of running a business with family. The show also delves into the inner workings of craft beer culture, which over the last decade has been on a constant rise. The show also takes advantage of its straight to streaming home by using a lot of language that wouldn't fly on network television.
The show received mixed to negative reviews from critics, which likely played a significant role in its short lifespan. Many felt that the humor relied heavily on crude jokes and lacked creative writing. Despite centering around a passionate hobby such as craft beer there didn't seem to be enough substance in the scripts to lure in the show's targeted fanbase Will the S1E1 guys who are known to also have a somewhat crude humor enjoy this one? Listen as they deep dive Brews Brothers pilot episode, "The Brothers Rodman".
Special Guest: Russell (IG: @abeerhasnoname)
Starring: Alan Aisenberg, Mike Castle, Carmen Flood, Marques Ray, Zach Reino, Inanna Sarkis, Toby Huss, & Steve Rannazzisi
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