"Daddy Dearest" is a sitcom that aired for one season in 1993 Starring Richard Lewis and Don Rickles. The show follows the life of a recently divorced father named Steven Mitchell whos father suddenly moves in with him after seperating from his mother. Al is a retired car salesman who has a larger-than-life personality and an inability to filter anything he says.
The show centers around the strained relationship between Steven and Al, as they struggle to coexist under the same roof. Steven is a neurotic and anxious individual who has a hard time standing up to his domineering father, while Al is a quick-witted and sharp-tongued character who loves to push Steven's buttons. Despite its talented cast and promising premise, "Daddy Dearest" was met with mixed reviews and low ratings, leading to its cancellation after only 10 episodes.
Starting: Richard Lewis, Don Rickles, Sydney Walsh, Alice Carter, Carey Eidel, Angela Visser, & Renée Taylor
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