"Death Valley" is a comedy horror mockumentary series that aired on MTV in 2011. The show follows the Undead Task Force (UTF), a newly formed division of the Los Angeles Police Department, as they combat supernatural creatures like vampires, werewolves, and zombies in the San Fernando Valley. The series is presented in a documentary style, with a camera crew filming the task force's encounters with these monsters.
Despite Death Valley's unique concept (created by Powerman 5000 frontman Spider One) and interesting cast, including Bryan Callen, Caity Lotz, and Bryce Johnson, MTV decided not to renew it for a second season. Did this one just fail to find its audience or was MTV right in driving a steak through its chest? Listen as the S1E1 guys deep dive the show's pilot episode.
Starring: Bryan Callen, Charlie Sanders, Bryce Johnson, Caity Lotz, Tania Raymonde, & Texas Battle
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