"Detroiters" is a television sitcom that aired from 2017 to 2018. The show revolves around the lives of two best friends, Sam Duvet (Sam Richardson) and Tim Cramblin (Tim Robinson), who run a small advertising agency in Detroit, Michigan. They take on a variety of eccentric clients, from local businesses to oddball entrepreneurs, and their attempts to create memorable and often wacky advertisements result in comedic situations and mishaps.
With its light-hearted tone, charming characters, and a nostalgic nod to classic buddy comedies, "Detroiters" offers a fun and entertaining look into the world of advertising, friendship, and the city of Detroit itself.
Will the S1E1 guys pass this one? Listen as they deep dive the show's pilot episode.
Starring: Sam Richardson, Tim Robinson, Pat Van Harris, Lailani Ledesma, Steve Higgens, & Jason Sudeikis
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